coconut oil


coconut oil

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Maybe you had understood a comment about a product which cures all disease but not the diabetes, the cirrhosis of the liver and some genetic diseases! It would either be the oil or the water of coconut, two natural products of the coconut fruit which has a big role in the human health. To allow everybody to benefit from the virtues of these fruit that our environment gives us, this document will be published.

Titled "the natural coconut oil in the development of testicles, buttocks, breasts and hair: the recipe." This publication explains its riches in triglycerides and VA-B-D-E-K  who strengthens the brain, develops muscles, fight the HIV-AIDS, the viral hepatitis , the STD "sexually transmitted diseases", the bacterial diseases, an haemorrhoids, the stomach and the intestinal parasites, the thyroid, the evil of the heart, the ulcer, the disease of Alzheimer, the plague cancer, the memory loss, the madness, the overworks, the illness of forget, the Parkinson's disease, the epilepsy sickness and also development the testicles, the hips, the breasts and the hair.

Only by seeing the title of this contribution, maybe you will ask yourself the question to know what is this miracle product and how does it react on our testicles, buttocks, breasts and hair? But insure yourself that along this book you will learn more.

Surely that it will not be possible for you to separate with this contribution because it will attach you definitively to coconut oil, I thank all those who have already read many or some magazines that I published on our planet.

The author



Every day, there is almost one man who ask himself what will develop his testicles; at the same moment one woman will try to know what can develop her breast and the buttock: the coconut is a fruit supplied by the coconut palm which just look like a testicle, as a buttock or like a breast; isn’t it possible to use the biological oil of coconut to develop those part of human being?

By trying to answer this question, we will from our environment   look the origin of the coconut before bring the knowledge on the coconut oil, the massage without forgetting the keys point which concerns the development of testicles, buttocks or breasts in the use of those precious liquid of our flora.  

However, we will in this contribution make a difference between organic oil and the artificial oil of coconut in fact to allow you to make good choose when you are looking for it in the market. Travelling in numerous countries, I published books and I lived in society with men or women: today from the balance sheet, I can say that white, black, yellow or red human beings have in common the use of oil.

I know that you will appreciate from one hand all the human beings who like the coconut oil and by condemning on the other hand those who make an excessive use of it, I take advantage to remember my parent as all those people who use to read my novel but that aren’t alive again with us in this world: throwing coconut oil to the ground, I express as sign to wish that they may bless this book.



Too appreciated by many consumers of all the ground, the coconut which comes from the coconut palm is from Asia between India and New-Zealand. But let’s believe that the tree name coconut palm existed on the African continent before its discovery.

Indeed, the coconut contains oil and water; it is very possible that by using it by massage or by consuming the coconut oil, it will bring development because coconut fruit is looking has a testicle, breasts or buttocks of the human beings.


b-The water of coconut.

The water of coconut is too important in the nutrition and the preparation of people who are useful in sport competition. We can learn that water of coconut fruit contains:

1- A component that activates the cell multiplication, allows the growth of the living cells: means that it is good for people who don’t growth.

2- Also riche with many hormones which activate the growth.

3 - It also has the molecules that preserve blood vessels in good condition. It is too good to be recommended for people who are feeble.

From those qualities, biologists attribute give it the name of natural product because it doesn’t contain chemicals ingredients.

However, it also contains some elements as:

- The phosphate acid which is an enzyme that participate in the good well maintain off man’s prostate, bones, red blood and white blood cells or the blood platelets, the lungs, the liver, the spleen, the pancreas and seminal liquid. Here we understand that all human being who have illness related to the prostate, the bones, the red blood and the white blood cells or the blood platelets, the lungs, the liver, the spleen, the pancreas and seminal liquid must consume coconut water.

-  It also contains catalysis which is an enzyme which that helps to produce water and di oxygen in our cell.

- The coconut water has Dehydrogenises that is an enzyme which plays a fundamental role in the metabolism of the sugar our tissues.

-  Also has diastase that play good role in the separation in the muscles of human being that have several functions as the protection.

- It also has many enzymes which do many syntheses inside many cells.

From this information, you will never regret if you command the water of coconut at our home by calling up from 11:00 pm in the night to 8:30 am in the morning with 00221 886284567 or to write at the address researchers or


C-The coconut oil.

The coconut oil does not contain the protein and no mineral but a little vitamin E.

There are two qualities of coconut oil produce from coconut fruit:

-  We have the coconut oil with Sky blue colour: to be produced it; people crushed coconut, treated in the sunlight before starting receive from their traditional method, here coconut oil it without cholesterol.

- The second quality concerns coconut oil with yellow or reddish colour. Here people crushed coconut, treated on solar shadow without sunlight before the extraction; again, it without cholesterol.


D-Molecules inside

Coconut oil.

   All natural coconut oil contain some elements that bring fat, energy and vitamins in human beings body; as example, we have:

- The vitamin A which increase the vision and make bones growth. It is very useful to cure the skin, the lung, the digestive disease and protects the body against the infections.

- The vitamin D which is useful for bones and teeth. She allows the use of the present calcium and the phosphor in the blood for the growth and the preservation of bones weakness. 

- A vitamin E helps to protect the membrane which surrounds the cells of the body like the one of red blood cells and white blood cells. It is useful for the heart that needs to walk well:  is why coconut oil is anti-inflammatory food.

- A vitamin K which intervenes in the mechanism of blood   coagulation and in the calcification of tissues.

On the other hand, if you consume coconut oil in excess, the saturated fatty acids increase the weight.

e- THE fatty acids inside

 Coconut oil.

Triglyceride contains fats that intestinal absorption does not require either the action of the liver or the pancreatic juices. It is recommended to those who have difficulty in digestion. If you have digestive difficulty, just consume coconut oil.

The Triglycerides is proposed to the people who absorb badly fats as example, we name those who suffer from: 

1- Diseases of the brain 

The coconut oil contains a triglyceride which strengthens neurons and restored any damage in a brain, for these reason the diseases as:

- The epilepsy which is a disease connected to an involuntary excitement of the intellectual activity, characterized by involuntary movements that can be followed by the shiver of the body with bite of the tongue, the loss of urines. In this case, the oil of coconut straightens the brain and prevents this evil. For prevention consume coconut oil.

- The Parkinson's disease which is degeneration of a part of the brain is characterized by disorders of walking and the speech. The treatment passes fast with the natural coconut oil of coconut which raises some human being nerves. 

- The disease which distinguishes itself by sensory disorders felt at the level of the view and also the driving disorders followed by the paralyses. Here, the health of the sick person; required the organic oil of coconut also for prevention.

- The cerebral vascular accidents or CVA is characterizing by the interruption, from the brain or from the bleeding and the blood. In this situation the coconut oil is useful for the brain and the spinal cord.

-  the oil of coconut is too useful for Alzheimer disease which is characterized by the madness that comes from some brain problem due to the consumption of the drug or from an accident touching the head but characterise by memory losses that can be related to the old age or to the excess of the brain overworks. Here the oil of coconut is too good because it feeds the neuron and repairs them.


2- Diseases of the liver:

- The hepatic insufficiency which could find its origin   from overconsumption of drugs that trait the fevers or that reduce the rate of the cholesterol. Let us retain that many people who are suffering of hyper cholesterol, people who are suffering with obesity or diabetics, who do not drink the alcohol, develop insufficiency hepatitis that only the coconut oil can clean their liver and cure it.

- Many people who are consumer of alcohol use to suffer with from inflammation of the liver which accumulates a lot of fats: it is the alcoholic hepatitis which would lead to cirrhosis of the liver. Here the natural oil of coconut is early recommended for the prevention.

- The hepatitis A that come from a virus that is transmitting from illness person to the healthy individuals by the contaminated water, also damages the liver with many manifestations as the fever, nausea and vomiting that are regular if there is no prevention. To prevent it, use the coconut oil.  Order by calling up from 11:00 pm to 8:30 am of the early morning in 00221 886284567 or to write at the address or

- the hepatitis B and C are transmitting from a sick person to healthy human being through some infected blood, contaminated needles , It changes the anatomical and physiological aspect of the liver and can in the future days start develop the plague cancer. For this case the oil of coconut is recommended to people who want to trait or prevent.

- The cancer of the liver develops metastases which the origin is from insufficiency hepatitis. Here the organic oil of coconut is advised for prevention.

- Gall-bladder develops one or several stones responsible for the hepatic. The oil of coconut is also recommended for the treatment and the prevention.

- The contagious sexual diseases: example the gonorrhoea, the gonorrhoea, genital Chlamydia and the herpes are diseases which people contract during the sexual relations. Numerous sick people who were treated by agents of health had made a remark on the consumption of the oil of coconut: it is an effective element to eliminate the agents of the sexual diseases and allow the cure. Order one litter by calling up from 11:00 pm to 8:30 am of the early morning in 00221 886284567 or to write at the address or

- The sick people who have in their body some virus as HIV or virus of the human immunodeficiency that presents signs of:

  • A fever more than 38 °C.

The weigh losing.

  • Pharyngitis.
  • An eruption of red plates on the body and the face.
  •  A headache.
  •  Muscle pains.
  •  A bellyache.
  • A diarrheal.
  • Vomiting.

Here the oil of coconut is recommended for those sickness people.

You will have lucky to meet state employees, bureaucrats, the students, the accountants of company and the singers victims of five minutes of madness which behave as individuals who  have lost the senses or the directions of live because of a mental fatigues resulting from long periods of intense work which their brain. The coconut oil is good for them.  Order by calling up from 11:00 pm to 8:30 am of the early morning in 00221 886284567 or to write at the address or

Many wise men said that there is not a rule without exception. We make a study on people who use to consume the oil of coconut to see those who are allergic for it. We discover that the use of this oil requires the caution too necessary that are:

- to verify the weight of the consumer which has to be not far to  that of its size; in case of overweight or obesity only use the green herb tea which is very advised to reduce the weight.

 Let us retain that the people suffering from diabetics 1 or 2, hyper or hypoglycaemia, those who suffer from the cirrhosis of the liver and some genetic diseases do not have to take coconut oil because, it develops a lot of weight, an obesity, a nausea and allow vomiting to them.

It is the big wish of three men on ten that would like to have a wonderful big penis to make the women cry on the globe but on their side, many women are searching something which would develop the volume of their testicles, the hips, the breasts.

Every oil or creams which increase the size of the sex is call the big band. There are three classes of big band:

1- The first degree which increases the size of the sex hips or breasts before six months of massage but which does not warm.

2- The second degree which gives the result after three months of massage but it peppers the sex, the buttocks, the hips or the breasts.

3- The third degree which gives the result in a month but also peppers the sex, the buttocks, the hips or the breasts.

The coconut oil has been tested in our society. Either in the morning or evening also consumes it and you will see you penis and testicles; grow a woman breasts, hips and spank develop and increase their volume.

 It is why,   the consumption of the coconut oil and its use in the massage allow the development of the volume of testicles,

breasts, hips and spank this under the effects of the fatty acids.   Some women which lost virginity use it to bring up and close their vagina.


1-The recipe

In much human being society around the word, people use numerous formulas to make big band oil:

  • First formula which develops penis, buttocks and hips

 Start with 60 ml of black seed oil and associate with the olive oil, the oil of pip of gourd, sweet almond and oil oregano. All mix and turn this association gives the oil big band formula 1 which develops the penis, the buttocks and the hips when you use by massage and consume a coconut oil with a tomato which allows enlarging testicles.

Order by calling up from 11:00 pm to 8:30 am of the early morning in 00221 886284567 or to write at the address or

B- Second formula which develops a long shiny hair from coconut oil.

Order by calling up from 11:00 pm to 8:30 am of the early morning in 00221 886284567 or to write at the address or

Learn in general that the natural coconut oil is treated in the sunlight and have small blue colour. But it can also have yellow or reddish if it is treated in the shade but it is in majority without cholesterol. It is recommended in case of the infections on the skin this because of its vitamin A; it also allow human being’s bones to grow; it why we propose it for people who have weak bones and teeth because of its vitamin D which allows the use of the calcium and the phosphor; it also recommended in case of reduction in the strengths of the immune system and in case of the weak heart. From the help of its vitamin E, it protects the membrane of red blood and white blood cells. It also controls the coagulation of the blood and the calcification of soft tissues because it has the Vitamin K. It is a good product for the development of testicles, breasts, buttocks and hips without forgetting, hair.


2- Some other oils

The oil of   carrot improves the view, clears up the skin, the scar wounds, handles the infections, and improves the beauty of the skin.

The oil of oregano helps to treat   the illness of dysentery, problems of skin, and the general skin weak, the arterial high blood pressure and is used for the massage.  

The oil of thyme treats the mycoses, corrects the muscle and the born pains, the sinusitis, the eczema and also activates the nervous system.

The olive oil helps to prevent and to handle the problems of hearth, the diabetes and strengthen the urinary and nervous system.  

The oil of pips of gourds treats the lack of sperm as the azoospermia, oligospermia and the asthenospermia and allows correcting the infertility, the intestinal glasses, and the digestive problems.

  Order by calling up from 11:00 pm to 8:30 am of the early morning in 00221 886284567 or write at the address or

The sweet almond oil advised   for the lack of sperm cells, the weakness at the school, against the HIV.  It contains the vitamin E, potassium, phosphor, calcium and magnesium. It corrects the inflammations of digestive area, the coughs and the intellectual reductions.  

The oil of camomile enters the massage of the rheumatic pains, the urinary infections, and the digestive problem as vomiting.  

The oil of lemon is for the management of infectious diseases or   feeble organic, the hair losses, the digestive disorders with the nausea, the arterial high blood pressure, the rheumatism, the nervous overwork, the haemorrhoid.

Order by calling up from 11:00 pm to 8:30 am of the early morning in 00221 886284567 or write to address: or

The oil of Eucalyptus treats the respiratory problems, the sinusitis, the fever and the wounds

The oil of orange makes look younger, improves the digestion, the problems of the nervous system and the respiratory disorders. 

Sunflower oil is used   to correct or warn the old age and it increases the immune system.  

The sesame oil contains a vitamin E that helps to correct the pains, slows down the ageing; it is used on the body for massage and also activates the nervous and cardiovascular system by reducing the cholesterol.  

Order by calling up from 11:00 pm to 8:30 am of the early morning in 00221 886284567 or to write at the address or

Soya oil strengthens the nervous system in particular the brain, the cardiovascular system and increases the level of intelligence.  

The oil of garlic fights the high blood pressure, improves the digestion, handles the diabetes and also participates in the elimination of toxin and warns intestinal roubles by the destruction of poisons, it also destroys mushrooms on human being skin.

Order by calling up from 11:00 pm to 8:30 am of the early morning in 00221 886284567 or write at the address or


Because it cures all the diseases to except the diabetes, the cirrhosis of the liver and some genetic diseases, we concentrated our study on the coconut. In our contribution on this subject that we had titled "the organic coconut oil in the development of testicles, buttocks, breasts and hair: the recipe." we start by  explain the origin of the coconut, the importance and the composition of the water and the coconut oil , by demonstrating that the water of coconut is very important in the nutrition and the preparation of people who are making sport, that the coconut oil is riches in triglycerides and Vitamins A-B-D-E-K who strengthens the brain, develops muscles, destroys the HIV and develops power to resister on AIDS’s attack, the virus of hepatitis, the sexually transmitted diseases, the bacterial diseases, the haemorrhoids, the stomach. That it cures intestinal problems cause by some parasites without forget the thyroid, it also helps to treat the evil of the heart, the ulcer, the disease of Alzheimer, the plague cancer of liver or brain, the memory loss, the madness, the overworks, the problem of regular forget, the Parkinson's disease, the epilepsy and the development of testicles, hips, breasts and hair. 

For prevention, order by calling up from 11:00 pm to 8:30 am of the early morning in 00221 886284567 or to write at the address or


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