Treatment of asthenospermia
Treatment of asthenospermia
Treatment of asthenospermia
obligatoir four tests to find out if your case is treatable
semen analysis
the test cholesterol
the test gonadisme
prolactin test
INFORMATION NEEDS DIAL 00221 886284567 or 00221 772089071
Asthenospermia and treatment
spermatozoa are unable to move for numerous reasons,
1-STD infection chlamydia more precisely
2-lack of oxygen following a lung or kidney problem of
3-lack of calcium
4-Lack of vitamin D
5 -lack trace element
Note that the treatment of asthernospermie consists of two phases, namely:
1-A treatment to correct or modify the genetic data at the nerve centers namely spinal cord and brain that have to change the engine message in the synthesis of sperm.
2 to supplement the needs of the organization, namely potassium, calcium, magnesium and many others in the synthesis of sperm;
for the body of a man happens to produce sperm without defect must either recipe, activities such as walking or sports and medicine. but note that asthenospermia deal does not mean treating infertility, reproductive or enceinter a woman. But push a male body to regain its capacity to manufacture normal sperm
for a man who in the sperm sperm malformed and unable to move, he needs medication or recipe that must act on the brain in the end that this body begins to manage or control the production of sperm in the testicles, on the liver has to take the attitude of store and release useful products for the production of sperm, on the kidneys which must improve blood circulation, eliminate food waste and promote the smooth transport of useful nutrients in sperm manufacture in the testes and in the testes that have to implement, use and manage by-step food to achieve the production of sperm and increase spermatiques.Ceci liquids HIGH for a period of three months.
the right medicine which was more sucked into the nerve nutrition ie brain and spinal cord called feihir
the feihir contains three most sought protein by the cerebellum
herbal teas and trace elements that the liver stored roof and being able to release at the end that they participate in the formation of sperm
Mycel 100 allows the manufacture and release of certain hormones that allow the attachment of food in the body of sperm
We know that this is a failure of sperm motility due to a dietary deficiency; hepatic or renal insufficiency may develop the total loss of vitamin K storage power; E and dioxygen.
For early treatment.
-The Health Products
INFORMATION NEEDS DIAL 00221 886284567 or 00221 772089071
-Your Wife or woman must have a fixed date of onset of menstrual periods. If this date is not fixed then it is infected and needs to do a test lab and into treatment.
The first treatment to facilitate the binding of calcium and oxygen, for this reason it must be cleaned with products lung order Contact
-Food Rich in vitamin B12, see above
-Exposure UVR
-Consume On:
mycel100 to have role in the recovery of the kidneys.
the extract of green herbs for their vitamin A, B .....................
Liver herbal teas for its cleaner rol.
herbal teas blood for good blood ciorculation.
a- the palm cabbage: It is the first product to use for the recovery of the nervous system especially the brain that takes control of the whole human body and in general the management of the problem of lack of semen and sperm. ie a consumption of 200 capsules per patient.
The b-nfang meaning kidney: This dietary supplement is the second drug which is involved in the correction and rehabilitation of kidney whose function is to secrete the hormones;
-l'érythropoiétine whose role is to manufacture red blood cells and allow the absorption of hydrogen and calcium through the collaboration of vitamin D and the ultra violet rays of the sun, by the sex cells.
-The retina that regulates blood and sexual tension through the transport of food stored in the liver with the collaboration of other hormones such as angiotensin 1 and 2 allowing the transport of food.
-The prostaglandin that control and improves circulation.
c-Ngueêêt boôôr is a natural product containing zinc, dietary supplements and lots of vitamin. it means strength of children and allows the synthesis of the hormone testosterone said that will act on sperm producers target cells (available in food safety book) in the testes to trigger the formation of spermatozoa
d-Biîîboôôr which means making sperm is a product containing vitamin k involved in the correction asthenospermia. It triggers the release of sperm from the stage of spermatogonia to spermatocyte stages 1, 2 to the stadium knew sperm.
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nji Ousseni
The Science of Expression in Africa CESA Centre
branch of West Africa
TELL PORT: 00221 772089071 (available 24/24)
NJI OUSSENI writer is a researcher under contract with the press distribution agency ADP Senegal.
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Last edited: 20/08/2022