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SEXUAL WEAKNESS Sexual weakness is the term we give to anyone unable to enjoy, to have feelings, feel the desire or pleasure during a sexual act very extended with a partner. One sex is low from the muscles of the sexual organ, sexual secretions and inadequate when the goal is not reached. Socially, sexual weakness is admired in men; any person sterile, infertile or not doing well has a low sex. What really are the causes of sexual weakness the causes and origins Psychological and emotional factors A concern arises. A man or woman is unable to feel sexual pleasure after a report maintained until ejaculation without breathlessness. A spouse is worried that the other did not answer. Faced with this situation multiple causes: - Loss of libido or taste to make love on the part of people who believe that sex has no interest. - Anxiety regarding the performance putting the daily activities in the lead before the satisfaction of desires or sexual pleasure. - The fatigue that was noted in some couples who, instead of having sex, have another concern: either to play cards, lido or watching television, and end up falling asleep. - Lack of privacy for couples living in the same room with children who are a barrier to sexual satisfaction. - The disagreement for men or women who knock on their spouse, edgy, can not in any case engage in a sexual act. - Fear that develops is talking to a woman. This attitude results in the art of masturbation which eventually develops premature ejaculation. - The lack of courage of a partner to say to the other spouse "will make love" "give me the ass" "doing the sucking -moi Bottle "" will kiss darling "same as these phrases are very rough. Organic factors - Hormones. In humans, a lack of testosterone, whose role is to allow the secretion of nitric oxide causes sexual weakness, a total loss of desire and nocturnal erection. In women, diseases like hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are signs of impotence (The lack of estrogen results in poor lubrication of the vaginal mucosa and pain during intercourse. This hormone is very useful and must be submitted in the same woman after menopause) Health factors THE sexual weakness is caused by certain diseases such as: - The huge loss of weight leads to a decrease of vitamin B9. - The consumption of too much oil for the synthesis of follicle. - Sexually transmitted diseases: example of the clap that causes tingling and pain preventing make love. - Internal or external hemorrhoids (adverse effects of dilated veins located near the anus and rectum) that causes pain preventing make love. - The chronic kidney disease (I.R.C) which is often a final prolonged decline in exocrine and endocrine kidney functions, which raises blood pressure and develops the long high blood pressure, responsible for sexual weakness. - Obesity, which characterizes the state of a person who has a weight beyond the overweight causes sexual weakness because too much weight causes compression of blood vessels that, over time, prevents blood circulation and develops hypertension blood responsible for sexual weakness in men. - Cardiovascular problems are those of the blood vessels and heart. They develop in the long high blood pressure and sexual weakness. - A high cholesterol, material entering the cellular anatomy in the synthesis of vitamin D and insulin, the narrowed passage of blood In blood vessels, raising blood pressure and thus developing sexual weakness. - Stroke characterizes any clinical abnormalities secondary to an anatomical injury of one or more vessels cerebral. It raises blood pressure to eventually develop hypertension responsible for sexual weakness. - Sinusitis is the inflammation of the cavities filled with air inside the facial bones (which open into the nasal cavity); it is also an inflammation of the mucous membranes may be associated with viral or bacterial nasal infections that elevates blood pressure to eventually develop high blood pressure and sexual weakness. - Gastric ulcer is somehow a wound that forms in the stomach or duodenum (the first part of the small intestine). It is usually accompanied by inflammation and pain in the abdomen. The absorption of waste that wound through the intestinal villi develops diabetes or high blood pressure (limited excretion) develops and sexual weakness. - The mental strain causes a huge expenditure of vitamins E, B and B, preventing the secretion of hormones. - Arteriosclerosis, which is a tear in the artery may develop hypo- or hypertension that cause sexual weakness. Similarly the varicose vein which is a tear causes hypotension or hypertension which is responsible for sexual weakness. - Diabetes is the cause of sexual weakness because it develops fatigue or weakness resulting from the diffusion of nitric oxide which orders the relaxation of smooth muscles of the penis or under the action of certain pharmaceutical substances entering treatment and are also cause sexual weakness. Patients cured of tuberculosis has sexual weakness of problems related to lack of oxygen. However, knowing diagnose sexual weakness, avoiding any confusion. Diagnostic. Apart from the results provided by the laboratory, my experiences have allowed me to define four safe tracks to know that a patient came to consultation, suffers from a problem of sexual weakness. It is : - Analysis of sugar and diabetes symptoms. - Analysis of the appearance of the lens to ensure that the decrease in visual acuity or early cataract. - Analysis of the blood pressure in order to know if the heart rate is stable or unstable, and if there is a malfunction or renal or heart failure. Analysis of weight to ensure the impact of weight on blood circulation? What devices treat sexual weakness The devices to diagnose Sexual weakness Pending the outcome of laboratories for confirmation; the meter, gauge or sphygmomanometer, otoscope and balance are the best placed devices to provide a first response to the diagnosis of a patient suffering from sexual weakness or of an unknown illness. Contact us for cases of complex health. What are the consequences of sexual weakness? Result The consequence of sexual weakness and installation in the patient the problem of infertility and sterility the difference between infertility and sterility These two expressions express sexual weakness but are different in diagnosis or treatments. Indeed, infertility can be corrected in women as in men based natural products. We can add, instead of out, diagnose infertility whereas sterility is observed in couples with no offspring. These reproductive disabilities can be explained by several factors: Biological malformation of reproductive organs whose origin is related to a deficiency in food supplements such as calcium. The infection of the genitals caused by STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). Accidents such as violent shocks that distort parts of the sexual organs. The effects of chemicals in the body. Example: the treatment of diabetes. 2) Infertility. Do not confuse sexual weakness with the factors responsible for infertility, defined as the inability of one or both spouses (of different sexes), having all the biological functions of childbearing in this situation sex is low. : Infertility in men In humans the phenomenon of infertility is marked by: An absence of sperm in the semen commonly called azoospermia. Indeed, this aspect is only possible if producers organs semen and sperm are destroyed or attacked by an agent of STIs (sexually transmitted infections) such as chlamydia or if the nerves that connect the nerve centers and sexual organs longer work well. Especially if the kidneys are regularly wrong. Other biological problems such as dilated veins called testicular varicocele spermatic cord which are connected to testis located in front of the anus, testicular atrophy resulting from a viral disease such as mumps which disrupts the activity of the kidneys in excretion, abnormal localization of a testicle, the infection of the prostate or seminal vesicle, a hormone deficiency, treatment of prostate cancer by chemotherapy or radiation therapy which reduces the function of certain nerve cells and in sexual apparatus are involved. Similarly the excessive consumption of vitamin E which eventually pushes the body to produce follicle is responsible for azoospermia. To tell a malfunction or excretory organs responsible for sexual weakness. A sperm mobility impairment called asthenospermia: It is due to a diet deficiency or liver and kidney failure can develop the total loss of vitamins storage to B and E and the oxygen. 3- The presence of dual tail sperm has big pointed head; raises another sexual weakness condition called anorspermie (abnormal sperm or sperm obese) is known scientifically about the term leucospermie. This problem is caused by overweight or obesity due to hormonal imbalance. Very large sperm or with large heads can not enter the egg during fertilization karyogamy for it to have. A large quantity of sperm of more than two million normal but bonded to each other in the seminiferous tubule. This is poly azoospermia. This problem is caused by a lack or semen secretion fucked by prostate or seminal cells that have lost their function due to illness such as prostate, STDs, chlamydia or poor biological training see varicocele. A small amount of sperm in the semen still commonly called oligospermia. It exists as a result of kidney problems means or any other biological problem as explained in the case of azoospermia. dilation of veins called testicular varicocele spermatic cord which are connected to the testicles in front of the anus, testicular atrophy resulting from a viral disease such as mumps which disrupts the activity of the kidneys in the excretion, the position abnormal testicular, infection of the prostate or seminal vesicle, a hormone deficiency, treatment of prostate cancer by chemotherapy or radiation therapy which reduces the function of certain nerve cells and the level of the sexual organs. Similarly the excessive consumption of vitamin E or wheat or oil ... .. Who eventually pushes the body to produce follicle. To tell a malfunction of one of the organs of excretion is the starting point. infertility in women. Generally infertility in women is due to: 1. a chlamydia infection that prevents the development or progression of follicles, the stage of primordial follicles up to the stage of the egg close to fertilization. Liver failure caused by liver disease such as hepatitis, responsible for the decline of vitamins E, B9 Allow the production of hormones such as estrogen and which promote the development of reproductive cells. A lack of calcium and other nutritional supplements that enter the development of reproductive cells. Excess weight compresses the tubes, reducing the path of the egg. The presence of a cyst in the uterus preventing implantation of the egg. Definition of infertility Infertility in humans is the inability that has a spouse or a couple (with some anatomical problems) to procreate; in this situation sex is too low Infertility in men Indeed, this aspect is only possible if producers organs sperm or sperm are destroyed or attacked by an agent of STIs such as chlamydia: hence impossible to procreate! Similarly, some people have little sex that does not rise or does not produce enough sperm and semen, to know why read the reasons mentioned in the previous paragraphs. Infertility in women The factors responsible for infertility in women are: abortion Which clogs the tubes and often causes complete obstruction of the follicles. All women, during an abortion, lose all follicles can not in any case know the natural fertilization or even menstruation: But instead, artificial fertilization in vitro. Surgical accidents. How to rectify the problem of sexual weakness. The secret to penetrate a woman to bring a man to ejaculate: How to hold on and do well? For a man Semen analysis done and STI laboratory tests to make sure there is no problem. - Buy a condom to avoid surprises with so-called "Waka" or roaming partners. Ask her problem to the woman of his choice and convince directly for love in the room. Once in the same four, no loss of time, starting with the feel breasts, caressing her thighs while sucking mouth, neck, breasts, sell and undress. With the finger well cut and wet nail, feels the vagina and do not forget to put his butt on the pillow. with your penis, one of her legs on your shoulder! Trace the route of the seventh heaven of the upper vagina going down while seeking entry. Once back, free yourself, forget everything on earth and start "to get in and out" while enjoying the beauty and good .Tiens case. For more information on the time that confirms the decision of taste or pleasure, sensation or enjoyment or to find out the number of blow or ejaculation by daily intercourse, control the volume AFRICAN WOMEN WHO FUCK 24H / 24 Method to test her fertility or to pregnancy. In organic standards sperm is able to fertilize the egg to allow the initiation of the process of fertilization. The need for a high number of male gametes only to increase the chances of fertilization. Always and always, will have one bad morphological from a biological problem of anatomical or physiological related to dietetics. Family victory, the couple or the great success that is summarized by pregnancy requires a proper diagnosis without proper observation and analysis, and pass a couple will spend time to spend fortunes. The correct diagnosis would the couple true to life: - Meeting in the laboratory, a health worker to undergo testing possible STDs, semen analysis, ultrasound and ... - Respect the rules of hygiene to avoid infection again by any disease. - Fasse analyze the laboratory result by a connoisseur before starting treatment. If you are married, there is a good thing because the rule would you sleep with your wife regularly mercilessly. But you have to know about her period begins and if they are regular. With the above knowledge, in nine days from the beginning of the rules and made love to energy reservation because at this time she is not fertile or fertile. 1 - After nine days above the six days represent the time or it can be fertilized. During this gap, the ovary has surely laid the egg migrates to the uterus. The fertilization day is undefined and is fixed By the speed of progression. That time is now favorable to test her fertility. During this time, always be beside your wife made love two or three ejaculations per day; until the eighth day. The result is detected by the absence of rules in the future months in women. By cons, if you apply the above rules without getting a result or success, know that there is a problem: - Or she to painful periods, a sign of infection with STIs (sexually transmitted infections) eg chlamydia, ............... - Or the womb door small fibroids, cysts or woman has a poor biological formation of eggs. - Or yourself you do not keep well or not done well. - Either there is a problem in sperm manufacture - Or, the sperm have big heads while the entry of the oocyte which welcomes when karyogamy a small circumference. (In this case the woman can procreate as the man with another partner.) But the best solution is to find us Contact consulting computer unveiled diseases related to the human body Free consultation provided to call early in the morning every day between 7 hours and 12 hours at 00221 886 284 567 to get a number of consutation to Dakar in Senegal
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